NPD International is the #1 distributor of Metatron systems to English Speaking Users.
Providing comprehensive English training and proprietary NLS Diagnostic research to a Global audience.
NPD International is the #1 distributor of Metatron systems to English Speaking Users.
Providing comprehensive English training and proprietary NLS Diagnostic research to a Global audience.
What is Metatron?Metatron is an FDA regulated medical device known as a Non-Linear Diagnostic System (“NLS”). NLS technology is based on the fact that a biological object has a vortex magnetic field (Biofield) whose fluctuations can be measured with precision. Metatron is comprised of three distinct parts: Sofware, Hardware (torsion generator), and Trigger Sensor Headset. Metatron has no analogues in the medical industry and is in fact the world’s only patented and ISO certified torsion-based biofeedback health assessment and therapy medical device! |
Our primary market segments have been Integrative Doctors, Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Nurse Practitioners and Physical Therapists, who had the desire to augment their existing diagnostic and treatment methodologies with cutting edge modern medical technology. Compared to error prone EAV technologies and antiquated “muscle-testing” systems, Metatron provides:
Speed. More thorough health information is obtained in a shorter period of time |
Impartial. Unaffected by a practitioners own skill, health issues or biased notions |
Accuracy. Scan assessment validates the patient experience with consistency |
Knowledge. Immense medical database comprised of multiple modalities |
Standardized. Share and compare assessment results with fellow practitioners |
Therapy. Biofeedback capability allows mitigation of psychosomatic conditions |
MDs, NDs, DCs, RNs,
Health & Wellness Resorts |
Fitness centers and spas |
Scientific research centers |
Integrative Medical Clinics |
Oriental Medicine Centers |
Sports Medicine
Distributors of
How Does it Work?A health assessment scan is accomplished by means of sensors placed on the head, which are capable of interfacing, via electromagnetic waves, with the subcortical brain, the largest repository of information about the ongoing processes within an organism. The scan information obtained is reformed into a digital signal, which is subsequently decoded by Metatron’s advanced software and displayed on the computer screen via a virtual 3D model of the organ, tissue or cell being evaluated. The display presents the organ’s functional health in a color-coded format, varying from light yellow (healthier) to orange, red, purple and black, where organ stress is maximal and the health of the organ is highly suspect. Post scan, Metatron automatically produces a report which shows the nidi of organ dysfunction, identifies potential disease conditions (even pre-symptomatic stages) and the associated potential causes, and recommends potential therapies (starting with holistic) to explore that are tailored to the patient’s individual needs. |
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